Sunday, July 20, 2008

Finding my way in Portland

Ok lets just say I am lost. I have lived by whole life in So. Cal and Orange County (HB) for over 45 years. So I just always have known my way around sorta kinda. Now I am very confused. I have never known so many streets by Numbers not just Numbers but SW, SE, NW, NE very confusing. At first I was using Frogs GPS. By the way this little device is worth it's weight in Gold. I thought I should not depend on it ( mainly because it is not mine) as I need to learn my way. So I was getting pretty good and thought wow I think I have got it. WRONG. The other night after work I went to get Jenn and take her to buy a bike. I took a new way home and got so lost on the wrong side of the river and no bridge to the other side. Anyway a 20 min drive home took 2.5 hours and I was almost in tears. It is a adventure to say the least. I think getting lost is fun unless I am very tired or need to be somewhere. I will find my way and I know this is a lesson of something for sure, just what I am not sure, focus, patience, direction, or just life.
Until next time
Peace and love
Beach bum

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Home in Beaverton {Portland}

Well we made it. My sis and I traveled through the center of California on the forth of July and arrived in Eugene (Cottage Grove to be exact) on the fifth of July to hook up with Frog. Off to Portland we all went Jenn, Joanne, Frog and me. As it turned out My boss decided he didn't need me in Seattle so I started in Hillboro ( suburb of Portland) on the 8th. One small little problem was where to stay ................we found the best little place with the train right behind (so cal type metrolink). Now what the heck Joanne has a ticket to fly out of Seattle...........Frog is driving her 3 hours in the morning and then driving 3 hours home.................Thank God. I will miss my sister when she leaves. ( I don't think she knows how much).

Well just got puter to blog so will up date soon.................
Peace and Love to all
Until next time.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Good bye California

Wow hard to believe I am really going...........after 3 days of moving and sore muscles I didn't even know I had, final touches are now happening. Joanne is packing and that is the last thing to load................ We are doing some final earns, like Joanne getting her hair done and Jenn getting her pay check. Then off we go at about 3 in the am on the fourth of July. We will go as far as Corning the first day and take a rest. Then off to meet up with Frog and on to Portland (my new home town). I am excited but sad to leave all I have ever known as HOME. We will all stay in Portland on the 5Th,6Th,7Th,8Th. This hopes to be a new and most exciting adventure of my life so far. I start work on the 8Th and travel to Seattle on the 9Th starting at my new store (temp place) on the 10Th. Don't have must time to chat must get a move on. Have a Happy Safe 4Th and may this year be one of great Independence for all.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Here are the questions that correspond with the pictures:

1. My name
2. Favorite food
3.. Celebrity crush
4. My high school
5. Favorite color
6. What I want to be when I group up
7.One word that describes me
8. Favorite drink
9. What I love most in life
10. Dream vacation
11. Favorite dessert
12. My internet name
Posted 3 minutes ago. ( permalink | delete | edit )

view profile

zbeachbabe56 says:

ok things got a little mixed up but i think it is correct...............I will do better next time .................If I take the challange on again lol...........
Posted 77 seconds ago. ( permalink | delete | edit )

My creation

My creation
Originally uploaded by zbeachbabe56
oh boy hope this works .............

my creation

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Goodbye to a brother. Although Art was not my real brother but my brother in law, he was more like a brother to me then my real brother. I had over 30 years of love with him. He was first and foremost My sister Joyces Harvey, she was his Frog everyone know this. They took care of each other with unconditional love and suport. When I first met Artie he was coming to see Joyce at a cafe in LaCadia were she worked. Not long after Artie and Joyce came to live with me and Jancie in Tustin. The four of us had some great times. I remember stopping on the 55 freeway (in the middle) and taking him some Chili from Charlies on my way home. He worked on a lot of freeways and I would stop to see him or just give a toot as I drove by.
One of Arties favorite saying was "GET ER DONE" that kinda says a lot he was a good old boy who loved God and Country in that order!! He was full of the LORD and love to let you know. He was proud to be a friend of Jesus. He was kind, loving, always willing to help, sweet and loved to hug. He was so much to me and my daughter (who thought of him as a second change at a Dad). She looked to him for approval in all she did. He was alot like her dad and I am sure the good ol boys are having fun. This is hard for Jenn as today is the 14 year anniversary of her fathers death, both her Dad and Artie left us far too soon.
Last Nov when I last saw Artie I gave him the biggest hug. I will never forget your Love.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Hotter then **ELL

Anyone who knows me knows I HATE do not care for the Heat. It has been so hot and my little room gets no air so last night I could not even sleep. I actually slept holding the small fan in my hand facing me..............pathetic!! My daughter woke me in the f-ing middle of the night ( i think i just barely fell asleep) with a MOM WHAT AAAARE YOU DOING!!! OK now with my heart pounding and my body sweating I will try to drift back to sleep!!!
Now the good news is it is going to cool down starting tomorrow. This is so making me happy about my move to OR.
On a sadder note my Brother in Law (who is actual more like just my brother) is not doing well. Please keep him in your prayers. And his little Frog is holding his hand through this hard time so please say a prayer for her too. My heart is very heavy with pain for them right now. Thanks for caring.
My 3 day count down has started at work ....................
Packing has barely started..............aughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Peace and Love.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Final days of work :)

The short timers count down at work has started. I have already said goodbye to some kids that I will not work with before I leave. Several of the Team insisted on working my last day to celebrate with me. I actually think a couple of them want to move to Portland now and work up there they all hate the other managers like me they are looking for a change and a chance to get away from the OC. I told them they all have to come up and visit. Now I am not a easy manager that lets everyone do whatever....However I do not micro manage and the big thing is I ask the kids stuff about them it is a very me generation and they love it, and I actually love talk with them not at them Now mind you there are some slackers, and complainers that are very glad to see me go. I will miss the kids and hope to see some up in Portland and Seattle depending on where I am at the time ( yes going to Seattle for 2 months). The last days will be fun, sad and I am sure the one that get on that last nerve take a little more time will all be missed.

Saturday, June 14, 2008


Today is my laundry day.........ok I live with many other people and that is a whole other blog,but we all have our own day to do laundry mine is Saturday. I get all my clothes together (since last Saturday I had to work) I have a lot. When I get to the washer and dryer I see someone has removed the knob and put a LOCK on the door!!! No one is home and I need to do laundry. After making 3 calls I get a hold of the person with the key (which is in their underwear drawer) and start my many loads of laundry.

Now on top of all that I am not sure where I am going to work, live, or When.........worried I may not even have a job (although I think I do). As you know my NEW boss has asked me to go to Seattle for a few months (great I thought ) they would pay for extended stay and I could save money and go to Portland on my days off to find the perfect place to hang my hat...........Wrong. Now he wants me to go for up to ( I think more) 6 months, find a place (move my shit there) and pay my own rent............I said yes kinda however called a left a message that I would not be able to the move long term and They would have to pay if they needed me short term........or I would just go to Portland as planned. My big fear is they say the don't need me in Portland and I am out a job or its Seattle or nothing. I am still waiting to hear................This has also been hard because the main reason I am going is to be close to my daughter, sister, and ailing brother in law.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

How safe is your cell phone

In this UTUBE watch cell phones pop popcorn faster than a microwave..................I will use speaker on mine until I get a bluetooth................

How safe is your cell phone???

Ok check out the Utube cell phones popping popcorn. Faster then a microwave.............I don't know about you but I will be using speaker phone until I get a bluetooth.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The big move

Ok Getting nerves as the time draws near to move. Nothing done! augh............ Gas going up and up daily. Here is the newest update. Still no package from new employer so I called. He said not to worry they had some new benefits and it was on the way..........then he proceeds to ask me if I would consider going to Seattle for a couple of months............Sure ,,,,,,,,,,,,if they pay for housing. Now I am to call back on Wed and He will have the numbers worked out...........This will be fun as long as I don't have to get a place in Portland until I get back ..........Then I can save $$$$$$$$$ which will pay for the shipping of my things. Looking forward to the adventure and what will I do in Washington. You can't go to Paris without stopping by the Eiffel Tower. And you can't visit Seattle without checking out the view from the world-famous Space Needle. Now of course this changes what I pack and what I leave behind...........aughhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Monday, June 9, 2008


Salmonella outbreak linked to raw tomatoes strikes about 150

Ok so last year it was spinach and now tomatoes. I work in a restaurant and we now have pulled all tomatoes from the menu. No more tomatoes in salad, no more on pizza, no more on plates, in sauces or salsas. So here we are throwing out nice roma and round tomatoes and I am thinking these are good and I am taking some the roma and rounds are the ones they have narrowed it down to. After I got home I was thinking should I eat them, is it worth it????

What will it be next Watermelon, Carrots, Squash, Grapes etc............. Can we just keep our water source clean and put better, bigger, cleaner, and closer restrooms to these people so we don't contaminate our food source...........

The spinach outbreak in My area really hurt Soup Plantation. I felt bad because it could be any one we all get our produce from a couple of sources. I business can be ruined that fast and not even be anything you can control.

No more tomatoes......this should really help the economy and the farmers who are already having problem with cost of fuel, slumping purchases, and raising unemployment not to mention the immigration situation.

Saturday, May 31, 2008


This week Hilary had the regret of suggesting Obama could be shot, Rachel Ray wore a scarf that is the type typically worn by Muslim extremists. Sharon Stone made remarks about the earthquake being Karma.

ok so we all have them. Even Sinatra had a few. I have many although I don't like to think I have any. I also know that my choices have made me who I am and if I had taken another path I would be someone else. We all have made life changing decisions like took the wrong job, let a love go or never let our feelings known,choose perhaps the wrong career path, didn't travel enough, relax enough, love enough, could have taken more chances,or made more time for others, stop and smell the roses as the saying goes. I don't know if it is just to be ok with my sometimes no so good decision but I always think of "Its a Wonderful Life" your know the movie with Jimmy Stewart (or Marlo Thomas the female remake). I remind myself if we change one thing........... Things could be a whole lot worst. (Thanks Mom!!)

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Preparing for the BIG move

One month to go and I know right now it will be mad panic and the last minute. That is just how I roll. I also have a 21 year old daughter that is even worst then me and thinks we can just throw everything in a box, bag or tote. Ok so we live on the edge, go with the flow, still I am already feeling the panic.
Now I have to map out our route (driving) where will we layover?? I am not driving straight through!! How much should it all cost???? With gas going up 5 cents a day by the time we leave it should be around $5.90 a gal. My job that I thought I was going to start on July 2 is now said the 10th works out better that gives me another week off and more time to settle once I get to Portland.
Ok start the count down with 28 days to go.........thats 4 weeks..........I can do it!!

Monday, May 26, 2008


Today is a Great day to start. We all love the BBQ, Beach, River, Picnic or how ever you celebrate. This is All American Day so let us not for get the fallen whom give us the freedom to relax and enjoy all that is good. I am in the Restaurant industry and usually work on the holidays also serving in another way. Not to complain I love what I do and not to compare because I can't compare or imagine. I have how ever had many brave relatives that have fought starting back at the American Revolution. My Father and Brother both served in active duty. My father in WW ll and my brother in Cuba Missal Crisis. So on this day I tip my hat and bow my head in thanks and prayer for all who have and are serving the USA.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

almost started

First blog coming soon...........................